Shoppes of Daggerfalls

(Numbers Keyed to Map)

  1. The Leatherworks, Tack and Harness -(Jaemel) this plus wagons, carriages, general hardware, adventurer supplies, delvers equipment, and sleds. Fur resale value: Wolf Pelts - 5 -10 silver
  2. Merrydale Coopers - (Hackson and Brothers) barrels, sacks, bags etc
  3. The Printers - books bound, blank books, spell tomes, parchments, inks and flyers made to order.
  4. Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue - (Taberin) see catalogue at store.
  5. The Woven Tower - (Current Chancelor) lab and library for members.
  6. Brodermon's Scrivener's - (Brodermon) arcane scrolls to order, we buy books, sage for hire, investigations in eldritch arcanum.
  7. Red Brick Inn - (??) tavern and inn, moderate prices and quality
  8. Merrydale Inn - (??) tavern and inn, moderate prices, good food
  9. Merrydale Delvers Guild - ??
  10. Shou Embassy - (Embassador Wu) ??
  11. Temple of Lathander - (Father Orasmus) curses removed, spells for hire, quests given
  12. Paladin's Guild Hall - ??
  13. The Tooka's Curios - (The Tooka) A strange shoppe of curios from parts unknown. The Tooka buys and sells all manner of odd trinkets. He has some connection with the Paladin's Guild Hall
    Mortuary Rags (1d3-1 healing) 18 gold each
    Embalming Fluid (1d4+2 healing) 30 gold each
  14. Bladebright Shraevenors - weaponsmiths of reknown, eldritch weapons identified and purchased
  15. Daggerdale Library - (priests of Oghma), sages for hire, some arcane books, geneology, history and herbology books
  16. Morn Armorers - armor, shields and barding
  17. Temple to Oghma - sages, healing and knowlege spells, buyers of books, and copiers
  18. Orbadalis's Apocathary - potions, filters, alchemy supplys, thunderstones, we buy and sell gem stones.
  19. Yssabel's Hostel - boarding house
  20. Merrydale Stables - horses, draft, riding and war, trained, bought and sold and stabled
  21. Broken Dagger - A rough tavern frequented by trappers and wanderers, minor skuffles a regular feature
  22. Eagle's Aerie - Mine and fortess owned by Clan Bladebright