Season 7, Sun Slayer
1372 D.R., Year of Wild Magic
Current Campaign Date: 15 Nightal 1372
Curent Date on Earth

- Quotes from the Wandsmen


SEASON 8 - Blinded by the Light, Hidden by the Shadow!
The Board is Set
Mortals Make their Moves
Gods Play Their Pieces
The Wandsmen Will Play Their Hand
The Realms Will Never Be the Same!

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful...

I see a vast land, a land rich in water, dark soil, precious metals, deep forests...a land of plenty. I see a land without fear of monstrous incursions, free of the fear of ememies. I see a land reborn, a land as it was meant to be, a land returned from the grave to the essence of vigerous youth but the mystery of age old wisdom garnered through centuries of hardship.

I see a people returned, their eyes and mouths agape at what has been wrot. I see them fall to their knees, run the dark damp soil through their fingers and know that whatever crops they choose to grow will grow past their expectations. I see a people that are willing to work the land that was forgotten, to work the land reborn, to work the soil of their forefathers, to work their birthright.

I see the unearthing of old enemies. They have lain dormant and festered in their prison. We shall expose them. They shall dwell in the shadows no longer. For the shadows are ours, as is the land, as is the sky, as is the water and all that live in our empire. Our allies are true, our enemies ignorant, and all others are a scattered lot, like chaff in the wind of our ambition.

There are none now that know the old ways. The world has grown soft and petty. Even the greatest king of the land, defender of all of Western Faerun could not avoid the ensnarments of the past. We know how to deal with the most evil of demons, the folly of our ghosts, and we know the secrets long burried in the earth. We are the past and we will determine the future of our lives and all those of the world.

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
-Lord Telemont Tanthul

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01/13/08 xps updated