13 Kythorn, 1372

Dwalimar Omen- Captain of the Relms Master,

I apologize for the secrecy and urgency of this letter. It is my hope that Vartan was able to deliver this to you without Cedar's knowledge. I have a request of you; one that is of great importance, yet no small favor to ask.

Recent events with Cedar have caused me great concern. As a fellow "Weaver of the Art", you no doubt feel the same. I feel Cedar is walking down a path that will only lead him to greater suffering and possibly his destruction. Though the Wandsmen and I are close to Cedar, like family, I do not believe we alone can turn him from his current path. We need the help of someone even closer and of great importance to him; his sister Larissa. However, she is too young and due to recent discoveries, vulnerable.

Larissa has been found to possess the gift of Spellfire. However and even more astonishing, she also has the ability of what I would call "Darkfire." She seems to be able to draw from both the Weave and Shadow Weave. As you may have surmised, this is the type of power that many would wish to take advantage of. Cedar may be powerful, but he lacks the wisdom which must accompany great power…knowing how much one still has yet to learn and knowing when not to use such knowledge. With the Shades latest victory and Cedar's recent "actions", I believe Larissa is no longer "safe" in Cedar's care. Only one person I know would be both guide and protector for Larissa. Not out of a desire to use her, but out of love and compassion for her. That person is Alustriel of Silverymoon.

My request is this; please take these two letters…the first (this letter) to Cedar's former master, Delgluth Zorthaster. Please ask him to speak with Cedar's family about Larissa staying and learning with Alustriel. Feel free to add your own account of past events. My instincts tell me you may have already corresponded with Delgluth Zorthaster. If Cedar's parents and Larissa are in agreement, please deliver the second letter to Alustriel. If possible, it is important that it be hand delivered directly to her. I believe you may agree with me on this. She may have questions which you may be able to answer.

I know what I ask is no simple nor easy task. I believe, in my heart, this is the right thing to do.

Yours Respectfully,

Xanthalus Everstalk