Wilderlunds Campaign

The Wilderlunds campaign was my first titanic attempt at creating a world. Some of it was influenced by Greyhawke, fantasy books by Michael Moorecock and some very cool new articles appearing in Dragon magazine by one Ed Greenwood.

The adventures tracked down many cults of Tharizdun, fought giants, armies of undead and liches. Many of the moduals I used during this time were from Roll Aids company. This company put out very fun products but ran afoul of TSR's copyrights and eventually wound up out of business. Many of you might not know who TSR is but they were the company that started DND. Then they were bought out by Wizards of the Coast (a CCTG company), and then they in turn were bought out by Hasbro. Through it all, DND has thrived.

More and more Forgotten Realms articles kept appearing and it was time to switch campaigns to something better than I could write. I was much better at constructing adventures then whole worlds. So, if I had a really well thougth out world I could pay more attention to adventuring. So we moved on...