Alturiak 1370

My research at the Library has been most fruitful. Through some very discreet lineage records, crumbling maps, divinations and a couple of trips upstream in the Temporal Prime. I am very close to proving that the Gate of Sands, the one mentioned in several of Mintiper's legends not only exists but was created in Coniferia! And they said I was foolish for chasing legends during my years at the Sands of Time Academy.

I will work on a Time Portal, linked with some Netherese artifacts I found to two years after the fall of Netheril. This has all been pretty amusing since I have had a feeling that I have done this before. Well, it seems I have as I found some artifacts just the other day that prove beyond a doubt that some friends of mine were in the Troll Wars. Several visits back to Coniferia should place key components in place and then I'll have to get the Wandsmen there. I wonder how I will possibly convince them that this will be fun and educational. They are a pretty cautious lot. Oh, and a recent discusion with Gorgoland indicates that our aquaintance started back in this time period. This is all just so exciting. I mean really, to fullfill one's own actions in the past that lead to today and my previous temporal expeditions. And to think I used to take herbal concocktions during my years at the Academy because of the constant feeling I had done this all before. Well, it all could have been worse of course. I could have been stuck in a time eddy.

Tomorrow I will use the time portal and start scouting out Coniferia so that I will know what to explain to the Wandsmen and how they fit in. Note to self: check up on miniscule temporal resistance near Coniferia when I get back. It will prove unimportant with my well anchored time portal. That one is the best of my career. Only Elven High Magic or something of that magnitude could dislodge it. But I should check out that resistance when I get back.