Bree Yark!!! (Goblin calling an Ogre for help dealing with pesky adventurers in Caves of Chaos (The Keep on the Borderlands)).

So my parents got very interested in this game called Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. That Christmas I got a pink box with the basic D&D set in it. It even came with dice! My Dad dropped out the first session because it took too long to create a character but he still hovered around the table to learn more about it. Mom stuck it out a few adventures till I got the hang of things and my brother feasted on all the adventures we created.

We got some friends together and started playing the Keep on the Borderlands. This single adventure modual must have kept us busy for an entire year! We didn't know anything about mass combat rules so when we decided that the Keep was being held by bad guys we recruited an army and then soldier by soldier rolled to hit rolls and damage and eventually sacked the keep. This is a huge departure from the adventure but it was the only one we had so we milked it for story after story. Then we too got a ship and traveled to the Isle of Dread!