Chapter 13 – Saving Sharantir in Anathar’s Dell

Kythorn 13-21, 1371 D.R.

            We arrived back in Dagger Falls and had been voted into the Merrydale Delvers Guild.  That night we had also learned, amongst our relaxing and socializing, that a body had been found at the Red Rock Tavern.  The body had a Zhentarim badge stuffed in its mouth.  According to Tellerus, he was an agent of the Zhentarim.  We followed a lead to Tethyamarside and found an additional five bodies all with the Zhentarim badge stuffed in the mouth.  There was also a building burnt there – a warehouse.  We questioned one of the dead men via Primula’s spell and he confirmed they were working for the Zhents.  He said a man with the gray shadow had been their killer.  There was also a note left that said, “Here’s one for the Raven.”

            Arriving back in Dagger Falls we found the Paladin’s Guild Hall busy as could be with Holly working with a man they called Wolverston the Broken from Yulash.  Apparently, he used to be stationed at the Citadel of the Raven, prior to Zhentarim occupation, and something or someone set him over the edge recently.  The paladins are trying to help him out.  All of this after a third delayed blast fireball went off at the Paladin’s Guild Hall about a ride ago.

            Speaking of the most recent fireball, it is now the 26th and the attack hit about a ride ago making that the 16th of Kythorn.  On the 20th of Kythorn we encountered Welcar on his way back from Dagger Falls after supposedly being rebuffed.  It makes for a very good cover to place one and leave town.  That would have given him five days to get to the Shadow Gap Inn, which is about how long it takes to get there from Dagger Falls.  We had excluded him as a suspect due to his distance and the timeline when it is the timeline that makes him a suspect in the end.  It’s amazing how Cedar may have been right about him for the wrong reasons after all.

            On a happier note, I have been talking to the Temple of Lathander about the possibility of them opening a shelter for youth who lost their parents during the freeing of Dagger Falls.  I funded them 200 gold to investigate the idea with hopes it would be a strong possibility.  I wanted it to be open to any youth, any race, and background just to go and have somewhere to belong.  I have run into many of these youth as I share my stories and songs on the street.  I have even picked up a bunch of Thelarrs to teach them how to play.  Who knows if any of these youth will grow up to be a Dalelands hero someday?

            On the 12th of Kythorn, Oskar had found out about an attack on Anathar’s Dell.  Anathar’s Dell is a well-hidden community of Dwarves, Humans, and Elves a little south of the Serpent’s Bridge.  He said the priests of Lathander and Chantea had been killed.  Oskar had been asked to look into this immediately as it would take some time for Lord Morn and the Temple to assemble aid for the town.  Cedar was the only one of us unable to attend as he was making great use of his time writing spells into his spell books that he had learned.  He, and his skills, will be missed but we will have to do without him for now.  It would be a three-day ride to get there and we’d be leaving in the morning.  Oskar knew how to find Anathar’s Dell as rumors said that magical misdirection and invisibility protected the dell from invasion.  If that were the case, how and why was it now attacked?  Who were the attackers?  What was their purpose?

            We left the next day for Anathar’s Dell.  The travel to get there seemed to last forever.  Maybe it was because we knew they needed help and couldn’t move there any faster.  As we got south of the Serpents Bridge, we rode for a ways farther and then Oskar lead us off the trail.  No signs, no roads, just turned to seemingly head towards nothing but plains.  Maybe he knew a short cut.  At one point as we were moving, we were flanked by some rather impressive hunting cats at a distance.  We approached cautiously on our path and Oskar waved at them.  Waving at hunting cats that looked like they wanted to eat us?

            They followed us along the ridgeline they were on until they sloped down far enough that they approached.  Instead of attacking, however, they became guides.  One remained behind returning to its position up on the crest of the hill.  The cats guided us to Anathar’s Dell going in what seemed to be the wrong direction to me at times but, apparently, they had followed the direct course into town.  No I understood how people never could find this place.

            We arrived at a town that had been hit hard by its attackers.  No one was moving around the streets.  There wasn’t any major damage to the farming community we saw but, with no one moving, the casualties must have been high.  We were led to a large barn where everyone had gathered the wounded.  We found many who needed our help.  While Oskar made our introductions, Primula and I set out to do what healing we could.  We also ran across the Rangers three.  One had been seriously injured but was hanging in there.  A second was in charge of the aid station and informed us that Sharantir had left with some people to help them but hadn’t returned yet which worried him.  We volunteered to check it out.

            Between Xan and the cat still traveling with us, we picked up the trail of Sharantir.  We followed it a ways out from the barn.  Then, we crested a hill to see that two Malaugrym, shadow beasts with tentacles for arms, were with Sharantir and she appeared to be charmed by them.  We decided that maybe being upfront in our approach would get us close enough to be able to separate the threats from Sharantir.  A group approached hailing her when they would have been heard moving.  Xan stayed back as his arrows would be accurate and deadly.  As we got close enough to attack, we briefly alerted Sharantir and ran to interpose.  The Malaugrym didn’t stand a chance against us.  Once they were dead, their charm effect on Sharantir wore off and we got ready to return to the barn.  However, we weren’t to return just yet.

            As we turned to leave, the large cat that had accompanied us charged Oskar knocking him to the ground.  The two began wrestling around.  This hunting cat stood almost as tall as Oskar but it wasn’t trying to rip him to shreds.  Instead, the two bonded as Oskar had found his Paladin’s Mount.  The cat stayed at Oskar’s side the whole way back to the barn.  It was a very smart creature.  It seemed to know what Oskar was saying and was incredible at reading situations and reacting appropriately. 

            As we started investigating what had occurred, we found out that Kir-lanan, gargoyle-like creatures with a black glow and red eyes, had come and attacked all the priests.  The priests had been killed and many who stood to defend them.  These were the injured at the barn that we had been helping.  One of hem had dropped a symbol of a spider with a crossed sword and mace on it – just like at the desecrated shrine.  Sharantir though it was odd that the godless ones would have had holy symbols.  She thought they might also be more like drow house symbols.  Both Anathar’s Dell and the Four Gods Shrine were somewhat close to the Spiderhaunt Woods.  Were the drow now allied in the woods or were the inhabitants becoming organized in the woods - both scary thoughts indeed.

            We decided to stay the night in Anathar’s Dell.  I sang and played music to raise spirits and brighten thoughts.  Primula and I attended to those needing aid as best as we could.  After staying the night, and passing out more healing in the morning, we parted ways and began our trek back north to Dagger Falls.  We arrived back in Dagger Falls on the 21st of Kythorn and found Cedar still at work.  I had hoped he had gotten over to see Marilee at least once while we were away but, knowing how focused Cedar can become, he most likely tended to his studies to make sure he was ready upon our return.

The Songs and Stories of My Life,

Kerith of the Dalelands