Chapter Six - Korgul the Reaver and the Race for Bricelles’ Horn

Alturiak 19-23, 1371 D.R.

            Now I signed up for adventure because one never knows what is awaiting them the next place they turn up.  Little did we know just how true that would be today as we returned home.  We arrived back in Dagger Falls to find a full-scale war had broken out and Dagger Falls was under attack!  The Zhentarim had organized the Orcs and Half-Orcs into a fighting mass hailing from the Flaming Tower.  The Zhents had also planted spies in town but they had been found and dealt with appropriately.  The army was being lead by Korgul the Reaver, a half-orc who had a reputation for not taking prisoners.  They were intent on taking Dagger Falls back – The Wandsman had other plans for the outcome.

            As we looked around the battlefield camp, the army seemed never ending.  Orcs and Half-orcs everywhere all flying the banner of the Zhentarim.  We were trying to figure out how we were going to get back to Dagger Falls to help when we ran across Broader, a far ranger Xan had made contact with during some of our down time.  He guided us back into the city as only a ranger could do and got us up to speed along the way.

The walls around Dagger Falls were holding and Dagger Falls’ defenses were doing very well.  Unfortunately, Korgul the Reaver had found the tomb of a Battle Bard named Bricelles.  He was rumored to have a horn that could bring down walls.  It was most likely a Horn of Blasting but, in Korgul’s hands, it could mean the end of Dagger Falls.  We volunteered to race Korgul and his guard to recovering the Horn and bring it back to Dagger Falls.  We were issued a map along with information handed down from Randall Morn himself that the horn was most likely in the trophy room located by the stairs.  We thanked them for their information, secured ourselves again, and were off to the tomb.

We arrived at the area the tomb was located in and saw many campfires burning.  Korgul was already here and had brought his entire guard with him.  It didn’t look like a frontal approach was going to work this time.  As we were taking stock of the situation, a surprise befell us as someone found us and had snuck up on us from behind.  Weapons were all drawn and quick introductions to save blood were made resolving the situation quietly and quickly.  The halfling whom had found us was a member of Lord Morn’s scouts.  After swapping information, he directed us to a cave that most likely lead directly into the lower levels.  Comparing his map and our showed a high probability and we decided to take him up and we were behind Korgul already.

We parted ways with the halfling after thanking him for the information and entered the cave.  The cave was dark and dingy and looked fairly run down.  It was also OCCUPIED!!!  Inside we found a clan of Lizard folk but, oddly enough, neither group jumped to attack.  We were just staring the other side down.  The looked beaten up and down trodden already and were not looking for a fight.  After a brief silence of nothing but breathing and staring, we began talking to them.  Fishik, the leader and a lizard man from the clan, did most of the negotiating with us.  We were able to agree to safe passage through their realm in exchange for assistance in recovering a book, which had been stolen from them about their history.  As the two tasks seemed linked, we agreed and Fishik joined in the quest for both.

Fishik had explained to us that an evil mage had taken over the areas above and sent undead, evil things to drive them from the area.  The tribe had escaped to here and closed the portcullis ahead to keep the evil things at bay.  This evil entity had taken the lizard folk’s book that we had agreed on retrieving.  We knew this would be Primula’s strong suit as undead were threatened by her and Corellon’s power through her.  It took all of us, and some lamp oil, to open the portcullis as it was rusted stuck.  We then entered the room past it.  The tunnel beyond it was very unstable and we all when through very quietly to avoid collapsing the tunnel way.  One shout could have brought the whole thing down and I was going to remember that for our way out – just in case.  There were ruminants of another tunnel that would have lead directly to the trophy room but it had been collapsed and filled in for some time.  We continued forward.

Upon opening the door to the next room, six skeletons attacked us.  Primula made very short work of the skeletons calling on Corellon’s power.  In the next room was a strength draining undead called a wraith.  It took all of us to bring it down quickly but we succeeded.  Cedar has summoned a Flaming Sphere to attack the wraith and we noticed a black hand on the wall.  Cedar used the flaming sphere to burn the wall so it could no longer be recognized.  It was a terrifying fight knowing this thing could have turned you into a wraith as well.

Next we faced two helmed horrors, animated suits of armor.  They were very tough opponents but we were tougher today taking them both down so that we may pass.  Upon entering another room we were attacked by three huge spiders.  This was a surprise as everything else had been something undead.  It was not any less deadly as I’m sure they all had poison.  We again were successful in that battle.

A fountain in the wall dimly lighted the next room.  We approached cautiously fully expecting something to attack us but, in the water, was a string of beads and shells.  Fishik was pleased, as this was the holy book we had been asked to recover for his tribe.  When pulled through the water it made some musical sounds, which they understood even though we could not understand the tones.  There was a guardian guarding the book but, upon seeing Fishik holding the book, it vanished as quickly as it appeared.

Our time to learn about another culture was sharply interrupted by some very loud explosions on the level above.  The good news, we were in sight of the trophy room and were now ahead of Korgul.  The bad news, he was right on our heels and coming very quickly.  It’s been said that no one ever sets out to be a hero, you just become one by your actions.  I am beginning to understand more what they meant by that as, without really thinking about it, we acted.  I bolted between the spiral staircases and headed into the trophy room.  This was a Battle Bard’s lair so a bard should grab the horn from its resting place.  I grabbed the horn and turned to run as I heard troops and Korgul coming down the stairs.  They were drowned out by the two minitaurs that were forming by the entrance of the room to block my escape from the room.

Acting quicker than I could think, I ran past them at full stride.  I made it past them before they could completely solidify and was only seen by the troops coming down the stairs.  What happened next was timing only Tymora could have dreamed up.  Just as the troops were hitting the bottom of the stairs the minitaurs began their pursuit.  Assuming the troops were with me the two groups engaged giving our group time to escape from the room.  It was good we had planned for a hasty retreat, as we were about to pull out all the stops to escape with our lives.

Cedar guided us all around a floor trap we had found which was a great idea, as I know I would have stepped right on it.  In the next room Xan had previously stacked up some crates and, now that we were all in there, knocked them over, splashed oil on them, and lit them to make a barricade of fire behind us.  We could hear Korgul and some of his guards that had made it past the minitaurs chasing us and we ran faster. 

Thinking quickly, Aramil scattered a pouch of marbles on the floor hoping to trip Korgul and some of his troops – if nothing else, it would hopefully slow them down as we heard them crash through the flaming barricade.  I found my position by the tunnel that was ready to collapse and waited to seal our escape.  I could see Korgul coming as our last member ran past.  I took my deepest breath and blew the horn into the hall looking dead into the eyes of Korgul as he continued his charge.

The entire tunnel collapsed as I was blasted back into the room.  Had we killed Korgul the Reaver?  Just as that thought crossed my mind, standing up from the collapse, much worse for wear but now having no way to escape, stood Korgul.  Sword in hand he attacked ferociously and we fought for our lives.  We were not to die this day as swords, fists, and magic combined to finally bring down the leader of the Orcish Army.  We claimed his head and sword to prove his death and prepared for our trip back to Dagger Falls.

Spirits were high on our return trip.  We had beaten Korgul to the horn, retrieved it, and killed him and some of his troops in the process.  This would indeed be exciting news in Dagger Falls.  We snuck back into town and found Lord Randall Morn to present him with the horn from Bricelles’ tomb, Korgul’s head and Korgul’s sword.  A cheer went up I’m sure they could hear all the way to the Flaming Tower.  Korgul’s head was displayed on a pole for the army outside to see.  Upon its appearance, the army began dispersing and going their separate ways – their leader had fallen.

Shortly thereafter we were called to meet with Captain Briggah.  As any twist of luck and fate would have seen coming, we walked into a poor situation.  It had been found out that the Tooka had incorrectly appraised the Mirmar box and longsword from the planes even though neither was magical here.  We were jailed for cheating on taxes and received a lecture befitting our miscalculation.

Three days had passed before Lord Randall Morn released us from prison.  He explained to us, in much nicer terms than Captain Briggah, why paying the taxes was important to the Dales and how the tax money provided for Daggerdale and Dagger Falls.  We were thanked again for our service in helping squash the attack on Dagger Falls and sent on our way.

The Songs and Stories of My Life,

Kerith of the Dalelands