You appear at the entrance to the Tomb of Horrors sans equipment and clothing. "What! Again?! Now I gotta find new companions cause those others are gonners for sure now."

"Death to the Halfings!" - Battle cry of Norin (CN Dwarf), while charging frost giants in "The Frost Giant Jarl" modual". He was wearing the still wet hide of a polar bear he had killed waving his battle axe. This happened while the group was trying to sneak up on the giants.

Then one day we discovered Grey Hawke and with a pirate photo copied version of the campaign set and the core player character classes from the AD&D game we were off! Eventually we bought the campaign set, played through the village of Homlet, the Giants series, the Descent in the Depths of the Earth and even the Queen of the Demon Web Pits. We went to the Pomarj and out into the Dust Dessert.

We even tried 5 forays into the Acerak's tomb also known as the Tomb of Horrors! Many many good heroes died...a moment of silence please...but the ones that finally did it scored big! There was only one character that survived all the attempts in the tomb. He was a druid and twice lost all his equipment but returned with new fellows with the hunger of treasure in their bones. Persistance finally won out. Last I recall that druid renovated the tomb and settled down there in the vast swamp.

The other high level characters started tracking down lost cults of Tharizdun and eventually left Oerth for another world...