Friends Indeed

Dear Mother,

I have just a few moments to scribe some thoughts on today's events. We have just cleared out a Drow barracks with the help of an unlikely ally. The Drow Archmage Solom Ned'razak has been most helpful in our quest to root out the source of the surface raids. With his assistance, we have just delivered justice to those who so callose pillaged the Dalelands just a night before. I have learned through bitter experience that Drow are not to be trusted. So why then are we seemingly allied with one now? Perhaps if I put my thoughts to parchment, our path may more clearly be seen.

While investigating the underground chasm, we discovered a Wizards tower. There were only a few Drow apprentices inside that were easily dealt with. When we thought that we had finished, Ceder heard a voice in his head welcoming us and asking if we would stop killing his students. In return, he suggested that we work together to mutual benefit. He then welcomed Ceder to fly up to the top of the tower to parlay. Kerith cast a spell on Ceder that allowed him to hear what Ceder was hearing and saying for the benefit of the rest of the party. Shane then accompanied Ceder to the top of the Tower while the rest of us anxiously below.

From Kerith we learned that Solom felt above the petty squabbling between Drow houses and saw no purpose to the surface raids. He agreed to assist us in stopping the raids if we were to help him in ridding the House Morcane of the followers of Kiraransalee. The Kiraransaleeists were the ones that killed off the followers of Lloth and defiled our beloved temple of Corellen. It would do my heard good to deliver some justice to these seekers of undying death. Solom pointed out the location of the barracks of the surface raiders and offered to withdraw the support of his magical minions if we cared to eliminate them. We agreed as this seemed like a good way to accomplish our primary objective of stopping the surface raids.

While this conversation was underway, Solom became irritated with Xan's searching the dead apprentices' bodies. We tried unsuccessfully to stop Xan but were unable to before Solom trapped him behind a magical wall of force. Solom told Ceder that Xan would have to stay there for one day to mull his actions. Xan was visiblely angered, but remained calm. I admired his newfound restraint, if only it had appeared a little sooner! Xan succored the Archmage by offering one of the diamonds that he had been saving incase I needed to return him from the dead. Solom, satisfied, released Xan to join us in dispatching the Drow raiders.

The Drow barracks was surprisingly easy to clear. When we thought that we had finished, we began exploring some of the empty holding cells. It was then that one of us triggered a hidden glyph of summoning and we found ourselves face to face with a great worm of the abyss. Oskar bravely charged forward to protect me from this unholy fiend. It bit savagely at Oskar and the both of them exchanged terrible blows. We appeared to be gaining the upper hand when suddenly it swung its tail around and knocked Oskar off of his mount with one impressive blow. The blow was great, so great that no mere warrior could have endured it. Ah, but Oskar is just that and more. Although he lied still upon the cold flagstones, he heart still beat true. It was then that I able to restore just enough vigor to Oskar, with the grace of Corellen, to deliver the fatal blow.

Dusting ourselves off, and feeling fortunate for Corellen's grace, we searched the barracks for clues as to the motivation behind the raids. We learned, what we had suspected for some time, that Lloth has forsaken her followers. Additionally, the Underdark city of Mearimydra has been over taken and that followers of the Lady of the Dead rule Szith Morcane.

This leaves us where I am now. Writing you in the barracks of the Drow raiders. Oskar seems to have fully recovered from his ordeal at the hands of the abyssal worm. Xan is holding his hatred of the Drow in check and thus allowing us to use Solom's aid –for now. And the rest of us are discussing our next action in hushed tones. We dare not trust Solom, but his word has proven true thus far.

What tangled webs we weave, when we choose to deceive…


Primula Easterling