Dearest Mother,

I pray this letter finds you in better spirits since I saw you last. The circumstances of my departure must have been difficult. Please trust me when I tell you that it could not be avoided. The Elders' decision was untenable. What choice did I have but to fulfill their expectations after they condemned me for "pursuing a profession beyond the morals of mere womenfolk." They will be pleased to know that I travel by the male name they gave me as a mark of shame.

While traveling through Dagger Falls I came upon a group of adventurers with goals congruent with my own. We have undertaken a quest for one of the locals and have begun exploring the local area.

I would be remiss if I did not introduce you to my traveling companions for they truly are becoming a surregate family of sorts. First there is the human named Cedar. In their language his name has aurboral connotations. He is skilled in the arts of magic and his wisdom is worthy of his name. Second, is Highhill. The only Halfling I have ever known that can hold his own in a fight without any weapons besides those bestowed by Corellon. Third is Oskar, a proud Dwaren fighter. He is a pious soul who recently benefited from Corellon's mercy after he attempted to cross a stream in full armer. Fourth is Aramil. A fellow elf of unknown origin, he has the stealth that would make the greatest of hunters blush, and bravery that borders upon foolhardiness. Let me say that gravity has not been kind to this intrepid soul. Lastly, we have two companions of questionable heritage. It would be improper for me to inquire beyond that which they have volunteered, especially with the brand that I have been given. The first is skilled in the ways of the forest and goes by the name "Everstalk." The second is named Kerith. He has a voice that stirs the soul and lifts our spirits.

I will write again soon and tell you of a white dragon's progeny that had the misfortune of crossing our path.

May the light of the moon lead you from any darkness,
Primula Easterling