5 Kythorn, 1371

Dear Master Zorthaster,

I am scared. I have not been sleeping well, with nightmares every night. Please write to me to tell me that Mom, Dad and the girls are alright. I fear that Cormyr may be a more dangerous place than Daggerfalls at present. Our journey back to Daggerfalls started out as I expected, with Katan leading us to the road. As we were told, it was the Way of the Manticore and indeed, we were close to the Sembian border. As soon as we got to the road, things took a surprising turn. Oriseus suddenly started acting like on of those War Wizards that has more ego than sense. He had been real decent up to that point so we cut him some slack and tried to figure out what he was trying to accomplish. It boiled down to his need to resolve the remaining questions about the Bleth family and Artur's role in the disarray in Tilverton. He demanded that we turn over our weapons to him and that we follow him to Wheloon. When we tried to understand what caused this sudden demand, he simply stated that he was arresting Artur, that we were too close to the border, and that he refused to either accept any discussion about how to travel back to the heart of the kingdom. We were to march to Wheloon. We could not consider a short hike to a nearby port town and then hop a ship to the capital. There could be no alternatives. As soon as Oskar decided that the weapons needed to be surrendered, I made a point of handing over my crossbow and trying to support the dwarf's decision.

Things worked out well. Oriseus took us through a gate in Wheloon that took us straight to Arabel cutting days of travel off our trip. It would have suited me a lot better if the War Wizard had thought it worth his time to explain about the gate so we would have known up-front that his route would actually save us time on our journey back north. I find that increasingly I have difficulty being patient with people who want to keep information from me for no good reason. On the road Oriseus learned about the King's expedition to Arabel from Lord Wyvernspur who was leading troops to guard the Sembian border. Oriseus wanted to report the Fire Knife resurgence directly to the King, so his plan, as we learned after the fact, was to gate from Wheloon to Arabel, catch up to the King and report. As it turned out, the King was already away into the Stonelands by the time we reached Arabel, but we were able to resupply in Wheloon and Arabel and follow the royal force rather quickly.

In Arabel Xan was able to find an exquisite longbow in a very exclusive weapons shop. The lines of the bow were so elegant it was hard to believe that it was a weapon and not a purely beautiful work of art for art's sake. After one attempt to draw it, I was convinced that this indeed was a serious weapon. Xan was elated to find such a masterful weapon but was disappointed that he was unable to learn anything about the artist that created the bow. I told him that this only meant that the bow would be a clean slate for him to write upon with heroic deeds. I also suggested that it would be a fantastic blank canvas for a spellcaster to work upon.

On our way to catch up with the King we encountered Andalara the ranger and his companions. He told us that they had discovered a scouting band of goblins that was threatening to catch the King's forces unaware. Andalara told us to hold off the goblins long enough for him and his men to alert the King to the this threat and the location of the main goblin army. He and his small troop raced off, leaving us in a clearing amongst rolling hills and small copses and wood lots. Appearing out of the distance was a band of goblins and worgs.

I was absolutely terrified. I did not know what to do. I have to admit that I was preparing to run and cast defensive spells. Before I could move, Oskar stepped forward and shouted to the Goblins. "Come and die in Moradin's Forge!" I gulped and was persuaded to hold my ground. If he was going to stand, I couldn't very well abandon him. Instead of running, I launched a fireball into the small troop of goblins mounted on worgs. The riders died horribly but the burned worgs kept coming. I nearly failed again after that. I would have but Shane joined Oskar on the line while Kerith created a rhythmic clanging of a hammer and anvil from an arcane source. I steadied again as Oriseus read a scroll launching a fireball into a rushing mass of goblins. I followed with another fireball that exploded into another mass of goblins. They fell screaming and burning and creating a horrifying stench. Surviving goblins and worgs rushed in with terrible speed. Xan's arrows were nearly perfectly deadly. Where ever they struck, bodies fell. I don't think he missed a shot. Far off, we could hear the booms of arcane battle magic. I prayed that Mystra watch over both our small band and the royal expeditionary force.

As all this was happening, we were plagued with a cloud of stinging and biting insects. It took careful concentration and focus to get off my final fireball. It did no good though. I learned later the gazneth, attacking the King less than a mile away, injured the weave even here. The result was a failed spell.

Oriseus got off another fireball scroll, thinning out the last big mob of goblins just as we caught a glimpse of the gazneth heading off through the sky. Fortunately the spells and arrows had killed many of the horde. Flaming spheres and more arrows finished off the remainder before they could approach within melee range. In a frightening development, when the gazneth passed over, dozens of the dead goblins rose and continued to advance. Primula had taken an advantageous position on a hillside and called on Corellen's power to destroy many of the newly created undead. I fired magic missiles in desperation as the zombies shuffled closer. I was nearly out of spells. Shane and Oskar stood firm, forming a solid wall that allowed none of the enemy to pass though. As the quiet of the Stonelands crept over the battlefield, the sickly sweet smoke of burning flesh drifted over us.

We caught up with the King and Oriseus got an opportunity to report his findings. Oriseus was shocked to learn that Artur and His Majesty were old adventuring buddies. Artur was, at least to some degree, an agent of King Azoun's, guarding the frontier. He was told to return to Tilverton to finish off the Fire Knives. I was bursting with questions and comments. I have made some very small progress holding my tongue in the presence of my betters and was able to avoid embarrassing myself by addressing the King. It was difficult though. His Majesty was pleased with the aid we had been able to render and grateful for our preventing the ambush on his force. They had been hard pressed by the gazneth and the goblin army. A strike to the rear of their formation might have been devastating. In recognition of our service, King Azoun awarded us all with silver rings with finely worked inlay of a purple dragon. Rings symbolizing the gratitude of the crown. I was both proud of this unexpected honor and embarrassed by reward after the fear and uncertainty I felt during the fight.

After our audience with the King we got put to work helping with the wounded. Many warriors were badly bitten by the clouds of stinging insects following the gazneth. Many brave warriors died from the enormous number of bug bites, never getting close enough to the enemy to fight back. I helped several priests by working up poultices and other herbal aids for the victims of the swarming bugs. Over campfires later that night we learned that there were rumored to be 5 gazneth out plaguing the countryside.

Early the next morning we joined Oriseus in carrying out the King's orders regarding Tilverton. We gathered up our gear and got on the road for Tilverton. Thanks to the skillful guiding of Alandara and his scouts we were unmolested by goblins along the way. I was plagued by other troubles though. I have had a recurring nightmare where the goblin horde is attacking. I stand behind Oskar and Shane but my spells fail. A horde of gaunt, evil creatures rush over my friends. I fire powerful spells but I've already failed my friends. Somehow the goblins are then all dead. As they start to rise, I fire more spells at the undead horde. They fall but when I examine the corpses I find the bodies of my friends, my sisters, you, the King, and Alusair. They are bloated and covered with the marks of bug bites. I try to run away but I am tied to the dead bodies of Shane and Oskar. They look at me and ask why I did nothing to help them. I wake each time crying, begging for forgiveness, and shouting out the names of my sisters, saying I'm sorry.

By the 19th we had returned to Tilverton. Oriseus had a rather tense meeting with his commanding officer. It was clear that our War Wizard was not happy that information had been withheld from him regarding the relationship between Artur and King Azoun. I bit my tongue. Artur seemed to enjoy it all. When the verbal fireworks were over, Artur handed the commander a list of prime suspects and locations where the Fire Knives would likely be found.

We spent an long night with a very anxious Artur Grossman. He did not relax until nearly dawn when Money arrived with a report. It had been an eventful night. Between the Rogues of Tilverton and the Purple Dragons, there were many prisoners and the Bleth family was either dead or in chains. Artur was relieved, but he confessed that his whole series of events was not the storm he had seen predicted by his dreams. That was something else. In the end he agreed to come with us to Daggerfalls. We left Tilverton with Artur. We kept looking back, talking, mostly to himself I believe, about how he would never see his city again. It seemed a bit silly. Tilverton is just a short journey from Daggerfalls. A return trip was not that unlikely. Oriseus saw us off. He was generous in his thanks and offered his assistance in gaining an adventuring company charter in the Kingdom if we should desire to obtain one.

Our acquaintance Welcar found us as we reached the Shadow Gap on the 21st. He was returning from a brief visit to Daggerfalls. He was unhappy, apparently rebuffed in his attempt to establish one of those seedy little Thavian enclaves in the dale. He said that Daggerfalls did not appear to be as promising a prospect as we had led him to believe. I think he was merely dismissed. As we were saying our goodbyes I asked him if he happened to know the Red Wizard Arnulf who had been imprisoned in Excelsior. Welcar claimed to have never heard of the wizard before. I couldn't tell if he was lying or not. I suppose it was petty of me, but I just felt like I had to try to annoy him a bit by suggesting that we had previously encountered Red Wizards before and they had come out the worse for it.

We arrived back in Daggerfalls on the 26th. Feris almost immediately arranged for a big deal at the Merry Dale Delvers Guild hall. It turned out that he is a masterful storyteller. He went on for over a glass about our exploits, embellishing and exaggerating some facts while covering others almost completely. His story contained no lies, but tended to focus on only the best parts of the real tale. I was embarrassed by the exaggerated parts of the tale and intrigued by how some of the most crucial parts of our mission's purpose remained undisclosed. The crowd was impressed, but that only lasted a moment until Slash and Burn arrived, looking battered but victorious. They approached the wall where a record of Miraun's challenge was kept. With a flair they put a marker on the wall showing that they had reached level seven of the challenge. Everyone in the room cheered and the attention remained on them. That was fine with me. I was embarrassed and felt like a liar and a coward even though I tried to deny the exaggerations of Keith and Primula who were the worst.

Following the tale we were unanimously voted into the Merry Dale Delvers Guild. Feris, once the unobtrusive observer was now a talkative, friendly comrade. He told us how hard it was for him to play the observer when he really wanted to step in and help out. Most of us readily accepted his change of personality. Xan seemed most reluctant to start treating Feris as an adventuring buddy. Primula also seemed a bit cool to him as well.

We stumbled across a murder the other day. It was at the Merrydale Inn where we sometimes go to socialize. There is a serving girl there that seems to like me, her name is Marilee. I don't know if I have mentioned her before. At any rate, as we were heading in, Briggah was coming out with the body. The man who had been killed had a Zhentarim badge stuck in his mouth. I was not sure if that meant that the Zhents shut him up or that he was a former Zhent that someone had just silenced. We learned from Marilee that he was a caravan master out of Tethyamirside. She did not like him or the people he sometimes met with. Later we took a short trip to the site where he had a warehouse in Tethyamirside. It had just burned down. Four or so rather disreputable guys either died in the fire. (Or just before the fire?) This company did not seem to have a history of losing shipments to the bandits along the road like the other companies. Primula cast a divine spell that allowed her to converse with one of the dead men's spirits. He confirmed that they were working for the Zhentarim and that they had been killed because of it. None of us were particularly upset about the death of Zhent spies, but it made us wonder what was going on. Who was responsible. Artur may be behind it, but how to know? I have not seen any of his people in town yet, but on the chance I do, I penned a note as follows:

Great Sir,

We happened to arrive at the Merrydale Inn just as the watch was removing something unpleasant. Being inquisitive, we happened to travel to a neighboring community and noted the recent fire. It turns out that dead men can tell some tales. Capt. B was interested to hear of the color of the network in this tale. To be certain, we do not wish to get in the way of your business dealings. If this was something involving you, we will be happy to leave it at that. If it is not, you may be interested in more details. Please let us know.

The Fellowship of the Musical Mushroom

I will be on the lookout for one of Artur's people to pass the note on. Artur himself seems to have disappeared once we arrived in town.

Marilee noted the ring I received from the King. I pointed out that we all had one. She wouldn't rest until she heard the tale. Keith told things far better than I could have except that the entire group seemed bent on exaggerating my role. I don't know why they did this. If you have any thoughts, I would sure like some insight on this strange behavior. The crowd seemed skeptical about the story until Tellarus stood up and confirmed that only friends of the Crown could wear that ring. Once again I was embarrassed by the attention but again attention soon shifted away from our tale as people learned of Slash and Burn's accomplishment.

Keith socialized easily and worked the room for information about items of interest. He discovered a few rumors about Miraun's Challenge, including the following:

  • There is a corridor of solid white stone and anyone who walks its length is lost forever;
  • The temple to Orcus no longer exists. It is a lie to keep others away.
  • A great priest is entombed behind a door with seven seals. If he is released, the powers of good will be greatly aided;
  • beware of purple worms.

We also received a note from Sharantyr. She and the other rangers are scouting the Spiderhaunt. We were to wait on exploring there until we heard from her. Sgt Potulous was looking for a crew again. He was shipping out in about 40 days. Master Wands is off on his own business. Or at least he is not answering his door.

For now I am doing some lab work creating potions for Xan and beginning to work on enchanting Oskar's Urgosh. I'm also thinking about creating a staff for myself. I have some ideas and perhaps you would be willing to look them over and give me some suggestions. I will try to give you a sketch of my thoughts soon. Until then, please keep yourself safe.

Your student,
