Xanthalus's Background

What was that large winged creature you ask? What bracelet am I talking about? Good questions to be sure. I don't have all the answers you are looking for, but let me tell you what I do know.

I am the son of Orin Everstalk and Nirakina Oakleaf. My father is a far-ranger in the service of the City of Highmoon. My elven mother, like you Cedar, was a practitioner of the Art. From what I remember and what my father has told me, she was quite skilled.

One night during Deepwinter, when I was 10 years old, my family and I were stopped by a cloaked stranger, while traveling home from the City of Highmoon. He spoke in a tongue unfamiliar to me at the time. (I later found out that it was Undercommon). The conversation seemed civil, if not sarcastic, at first. It soon became heated and ended abruptly with the stranger saying, "Then you and your family shall die!" The stranger motioned with his hands, and to our surprise, we were surrounded by four undead! (I now know they were ghasts - I still remember that foul stench!) My parents fought bravely and managed to kill two of our attackers. However, things took a turn for the worse. The stranger began mumbling then pointed his finger at my mother - and she died! After seeing my mother killed and faced with 3 to 1 odds, my father grabbed me and ran into the woods. It seemed like hours before we stopped and when we did, there were no signs that we were being followed.

For the next 13 years, I was raised by my father and trained in the ways of a Ranger. I discovered I had a talent with the bow. I also made it my mission to learn anything and everything about the undead. I learned undercommon from a goblin "neighbor" who lived in a small hut near my family's home. My father told me that "Blark" was exiled from his clan and found his way here. I guess he and my father had an "understanding" between them.

Five weeks ago, I left home. Partially to explore the world and assist others in need, but mostly to find my mother's murderer. My father told me he did not know the stranger from that fateful night…but that he and my mother had made some enemies during their adventuring past. I asked him to tell me more, but he said, "I can not, for I am honor bound. Besides, it is time for you to seek your own calling in this world." With that he handed me this copper bracelet that belonged to my mother…and I left.

Tonight was the first time I have had any sort of lead in my quest to find my mother's murderer. Sometime soon, I must head west to seek out this creature.